Saturday, May 24, 2008

PBCLSW2-New technology

During a recent trip to Epcot Center in Disney World Orlando, I discovered new technology for the home. I took a 15-minute tour of a Smart Home. This home was set up with a home automation system where things in the home are controlled by voice. There was one remote control that controls the temperature in each room of the house, the flat screen TV and a section in the living room where family pictures could be displayed as a slideshow on the TV. Also, the refrigerator had a computer in the door that would make a grocery shopping lists that could be printed out from your computer to take with you to the grocery store. The refrigerator computer could also be programmed to let you know when items you frequently buy need to be bought. The remote control had a shower that was motion controlled and could be programmed to have the specific water temperature for every member of your family. The sink and toilet were also motion controlled. Another feature that was interesting was that when someone rings the front door bell, their picture is displayed on your TV and if you recognize the person you can tell the home automation system to open the door without you having to get up and unlock the door.

Here are 2 websites more information on home automation systems

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas, NV

Venetian Hotel
Originally uploaded by Darrins

This is where I am going on vacation in August.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Week 2 blog

After, I read the 7 1/2 habits, I realized that Habit number 3 is the most important habit for me. Sometimes, when I am faced with an unsatisfied patron, I don't view the problem as a challenge. I need to find ways to handle angry patrons without out getting myself upset. To be able to handle angry patrons is a skill that I believe will make my job better. I have set up my blog account and I am looking forward to sharing ideas with my coworkers across the library system. I think it is great that Library Administration found something for everyone to communicate with. It's hard to keep up with what's going on with coworkers at other locations when you don't get a chance to see them often.

11:45 AM, Tues., May 13

Monday, May 12, 2008

1st timer

Hi, I just created my account. I am wondering how this blog is going to add some fun into my day. Ever since Dec. 21, 2007, I feel that my fun went away. Hopefully, I can find something that will heal my broken heart. So, I am not sure what to say today, but as time goes by I guess I will figure it out.